Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Kim sent me these delicious chocolate covered strawberries! Yummy!!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas morning
Syd got a little overwhelmed of the whole thing and stopped opening presents after awhile. She still has one more to open but refuses...its kinda funny!
prime rib
He got tired of bending down to look at the prime rib cooking he got the mirror and spent a good amount of time watching it cook!!
We also had yummy garlic mashed potatoes (made by Jill,) corn souffle (made by Namy,) green bean casserole (Jon,) steamed carrots and broccoli, sauteed assortment of mushrooms and cranberry jello salad (made by Jill,) (it was a really good jello salad but Sam is not a big fan of cranberries and her first bite was a cranberry and she says in her sweet little voice "Mom, this is crappy) What a great day.
Jesus is the reason for the season! We should always celebrate the birth of our Lord!
Santa came
Since we dont have a fireplace here in the desert we had to let Santa come through the back door. He left a loot of stuff! Our tree is set up in the the dining room, we thought that would be a better place for the kids not to bug it all the time which they did anyways so all the presents are under the tv instead.
pretty girls
Uncle Lance sent the twins beautiful white dresses and scarves and Sam a fancy white outfit. They wore them to church. They looked exceptionaly cute! It was the first time we have tried to take them to the actual church service. I usually put them in the childcare. They were doing handbells and Jon thought they would like them. They lasted about 30 minutes before I took them to childcare. Courtney kept yelling "more more" after each song while Sydney kept walking back and forth from our seats to Jim and Jill who were sitting in front of us! They were not going to make it through the sermon! Sam was doing great coloring in the little book that the church offers the kids but she wanted to go to childcare becaus one of her classmates was in there. It was a great evening!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Arizona Celebration of Lights
making cookies w Namy & Papa
here are there stats:
35.5 inches tall (90%)
47.5 cm head (50%)
23.4 lbs (10%)
34 inches tall (50%)
45.5 cm head (8%)
Sunday, December 21, 2008
the birthday party
too fun!
Who can jump higher!?!
at 5:30 when the Christmas lights on the house go on, the circuit breaker blew and down came the castle which the big kids thought was cool. Courtney was still in there and she got a little freaked!