Sunday, March 8, 2009

rubber ducks!

I have blogged a couple times about the insane amount of ducks that Uncle Lex and Aunt Leah gave the twins for their birthday before...

well yesterday Courtney flushed one down the toilet. We didnt realize it (lets say Jon didnt realized it) until Samantha had gone to the bathroom. The last time something was flushed down the toilet (by me, I thought I had bought the disposable toilet brushes-not) it cost something like $200 to have a plumber come and take the toilet apart so Jon thought he'd could do it. He got the toilet off and worked on it for a long time even went a bought a snake, nothing worked so we are now going to buy a new toilet for $99 at Home Depot...still cheaper then calling a plumber!

and we are throwing away 100 rubber ducks...

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