Saturday, August 16, 2008

potty training

I really want to start this process with at least Courtney. When we were in WA she went pee on the toilet 3 times for my mom but I am in a quandry on what to do. I cant leave the bathroom door opened or they think its a place to play! It happens EVERY SINGLE TIME! Twice today it was left opened and the first time they were in there letting one of Samanthas barbies swim around in the toilet. And just now I was in folding laundry and when I came out they all were in there. Samantha too. They floor was soaked, Syd was soaked and wet toilet paper everywhere! The sad thing is Barley dog drinks out of the toilet because I cant leave a bowl out for him or the girls play in that too. It use to work great but ever since they figured out what a fun room the bathroom is the door is shut now he has to scratch it to let us know he's thirsty!

1 comment:

  1. I gave up on taking the girls to the bathroom, they were far more interested in the toliet paper than doing anything on the toliet and it was driving me bonkers. We have the little potties out in the living room. That way I can keep my eyes on everyone else while sitting one of them down on the potty.
