Saturday, December 8, 2007


This afternoon we went to Fairyland. I have heard about this place for years and had never been. It is a quirky little amusement park for the under five set. Samantha loved it!

There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. She had so many children, she didn't know what to do. She gave them some broth without any bread,Then whipped them all soundly and put them to bed.
what an odd little nursery rhyme
the "alice in wonderland slide"

check out the weird little worm head coming out of the "apple"
the jolly trolley

the "alice in wonderland" puppet show. Sam laughed so hard at this part because the two puppets kept bumping into eachother and falling down.

There was a crooked man and he walked a crooked mile,

He found a crooked sixpence upon a crooked stile.

He bought a crooked cat, which caught a crooked mouse.

And they all lived together in a little crooked house.

Sam had a key that told her all the nursery rhymes and this one was neat because it was one of the fish telling the story of willie the whale.

the coolest bubble machine!

Uncle Lance smiling at the girls!

I am the princess and Sam is the queen

Sam is the PRINCESS and I am the queen.

Uncle Lance and Sam on the dragon tail!

After we left fairyland we walked into a Mexican Christmas festival at the park outside. It had peopele all dresses up in beautiful costumes. The priest was speaking spanish so we have no idea what it was going on but it was neat none the less.

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