Thursday, August 27, 2009

Sams feverish

I have no idea what's going on w Sam she has a slight fever. 101* was the highest today. It always seems to happen when Jons gone so it makes for a really long couple of days when we cant get out of the house and do anything. The kids have been playing really well besides a few quick fights here and there. It's so funny when they are playing pretend everyones name is "Rina." The twins have taken to running around the house chasing each other and yelling "super powers" (Wonder Twin powers activate) They have never seen the show but they love the movie "The incredibles" so that's probably where they got it. I haven't cleaned the house for a couple days either so the house looks like a bomb went off and exploded every toy everywhere. Gonna be a fun night of picking up. I did start a chart for the twins potty training and Sam wanted one so she is in charge of picking up her room and putting away everyones shoes each night. 3 nights in a row for her so it seems to be working...Sydney was really good yesterday only one accident and that was at the end of the day but Courtney gave up after 2 times on the potty and 2 in her panties...Today neither one wanted to even try...can't push it I guess!

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