Wednesday, November 14, 2007

the mall

This afternoon we went to the Stoneridge mall in Pleasanton. I was thinking we'd go earlier but the twins fell asleep at 945 and they didnt wake up until lunch time (Syd at 1145 and Court and 1245) so by the time I fed them there bottles and lunch it was almost 2 by the time we got in the car and drove off. I brought the big stroller and told Sam that she would have to ride in it if she didnt hold the strap that was attached to the stroller. Worked like a charm! It was a fun little walk through the mall. Santa is already there and Sam loved looking at all the lights and decorations. There is this one store that sells the fake Christmas trees with lights that come with a remote control so the sales man told Sam to blow it out like a birthday cake and walaa the lights went out. It was pretty cool. The funniest thing that happened their was when we went to the restroom and Sam went to wash her hands she thought the air hand dryer was the soap dispenser so when she pushed the button the loud air came out which freaked her out. She looked at me and says "Thats not soap" Everybody fell asleep on the way home so I drove around for a bit and then Sam had to go get her flu shot. She cried more about getting it then actually getting it. She got sucker before the shot which helped!

to funny farts today:
1. When we were in the waiting room at the Doctors office to get the flu shot, Syd let out this long loud toot and when it was over she looked at me and laughed!
2. When Jon came home he picked Sam up and hugged her so hard she tooted... we all laughed.

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