Friday, November 16, 2007

Target run

Going to the store with all three kids is not one of my favorite things to do. I like going to Costco because of the double basket for the twins to sit in but I spend to much money when we go there. I only needed a few items today and they werent things I could get at Costco anyways. For some reason Costco stopped carrying Organic milk which is a complete bummer because a gallon of it at Target and Safeway is $5.99! So I thought I'd try Target. At first I put Cj in the basket in the main cart but it didnt have leg holes, I think they covered it because the leg would get stuck between the two carts. She kept trying to crawl out so I let Sam walk and put both the girls in the fancy cart part. It says its for 2-6 so the girls were a little small for it but it worked. It was funny because at first Cj started fussing so I gave her a pacifer then Syd took it from her so I got another one out for Cj and Syd took that one too. So Court started crying then Syd put it back in her mouth. They were both happy then. It was cute!

I had to switch carts because the straps broken on the other cart...Sydney seemed to like her new seat!

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