Wednesday, April 16, 2008

5 shots EACH

The twins had the 15/18 month check up today and all is well. Courtney is in the 10% in weight so the doc wants her to start drinking whole milk. Our doctor in Castro Valley thinks that kids get enough fat these days so 2% was fine. This doc thinks that milk fat is good for their brain cells, It's the good fat. Different doc, different ways!

23 lbs 11 oz
30.5 inches tall
head 18 inches

19 lbs 9.5 oz
31 inches tall
head 17.52 inches

I think the nurse had Syds height off by a half inch though...the way she measures them is by lying them down and making a mark at the feet and the head but I think she measured from Courtneys head mark. They have grown a bit since Decembers check up.
The girls had to get 5 shots today. It is so hard to take them by myself to do that. Especially when they are tired. They havent received the records from Dr. Selcers office so I had to call and get the immunization form faxed over. They have a different schedule here then there so there were 2 extras that they had to get today, that this office gives at 12 months. Poor babies. Sydney went first and after she was done it was so hard to strap her in the stroller so I could hold Courtney. She was crying and Courtney had no clue that it was about to happen to her too. On Syds last shot she got her hand free and ended up hitting the needle as she was pulling it out and got a scratch on her leg. I got them home, loaded them up with some Tylenol and they are sleeping. The nurse said that more then likely they will have fevers for the next day or two but but if it lasts more then 3 we need to call. I sure planned this well with Jon being gone.
Sam on the other had is spending the afternoon with Kim and Jessica. I gave Kim some cash to get some socks so they are spending the afternoon shopping. Sam only had think socks so every time she wanted to wear shoes her feet were getting super sweaty. I just talked to Kim and she said they found a great deal for flip flops (only $3.50) so Sam got two pair! Now they are on there way to get ice cream! YUM!

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