Saturday, April 12, 2008

Sam's Day

Sam had some one on one time with both me and her Daddy today. She had way more fun with her Dad then me though. After I picked her up from Namy and Papas this morning we headed to the YMCA for their family fun day and to sign up for swim lessons. They had a a couple bounce houses, one was pink and purple and looked like a castle so of course she picked that one to bounce in! They also gave out sno cones, Sam got a red one. She had fun walking around and looking at everything, she really like watching the gymnast doing their thing. It was nice to get out with just Sam.
The twins still have the diarrhea thing going so I didnt want to leave the house with them. Jon ended up taking Sam to the 'Princess' store aka the Disney store. It's at a mall over in Mesa so they made an afternoon of it. Jon let Sam pick out three things...she got a Princess bag for going to the pool, a towel, (Jon bought two for her) a Snow White sippy cup, a Prince Phillip doll and sunglasses...which is more then the three he told her she could get...She scored! While they were there Jon called and wanted her to get Princess golf clubs but he thought that was pushing it a bit! They also picked out 2 Dalmatian dogs for Syd and Cj. They spent over $30 dollars so she got a pretty rose necklace and a fairy book for 'free'. She absolutely loved that store! Jon has been telling her about it ever since we came down in November to look for houses and he's been feeling pretty bad lately that he hadnt taken her. She kept asking to go. They ended up walking around the mall, Sam said it was a big mall so she rode on her dad shoulders for awhile. They had dinner at Sbarros pizza and they even got to ride on a merry go round. She had a great day!

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