Wednesday, June 18, 2008

what a morning!

At 6:15 I woke up to the sound of Barley dog puking. I ran down stairs and sure enough he puked a few times. The first one had about 4 baby fist size rocks in it...ouch that had to have hurt being in his belly. Dumb dog eating rocks. I got that all cleaned up and went back to bed. I am letting Sam sleep w me while Jon is gone and she woke up around 6:45 and was not going back to sleep. she was playing on the bed, tucking me in and all that. I did not want to wake up. So she decided to go play some place else at 7:10 I hear the babies crying and sure enough Sam went in there to wake them up. She said "look outside mom the suns up, its time to get up" I was mad, she knows she is not suppose to wake the twins up EVER. She was sent to the time out corner while I dealt with getting the babies up. I went down and talked her and she was upset because she didnt think it was fair she got in trouble because the suns up so every one should be up! I heard Barley and somehow he had locked himself in the bathroom and when I opened it YUCK, he took two HUGE craps. YUCK! So now I have all three kids up, not happy and I have to clean this pardon my french shit up!! I got the twins all situated upstairs with the kefir milk and a blankie. Turned on a the tv and all were happy. I then proceeded to clean. I thought there was going to be a bigger mess for me to clean because I was about to puke myself. I ended up pretty much mopping the whole downstairs floor and now the house smells like a mixture of fabreze and bleach, and it's only 8 am!
Sam keeps bugging me that its time to go to swim class but she got up so early she has to wait longer which she doesnt get. We leave here around 10 and she usually gets up around 8:30 so she doesnt get why we arent going yet. So now for the next two hours I'm going to be hearing when are we leaving!! ughh

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