Saturday, October 25, 2008

Moms Club Halloween Party

This afternoon I took sam to a fun little Halloween party. I left the twins at home since they still havent had a solid BM. (I wish this would all just go away) It was fun to go with just one kid. I got to relax and visit with other parents since there was only one to watch. She had a blast. They made a fun little craft and played a couple games. They played pin the nose on the pumpkin and as you can see below she got it right in the center and she was the first one! Then they played a couple games of Musical Pumpkins (like musical chairs but they marched around pictures of pumpkins.) The first game she didnt quite get it but she caught on (was a little bully at one time) the second game she won fair and square. She said she was Princess Belle today. She was just so excited to have 'make-up' on! Then each parent brought some sort of treat (not candy) and each kid walked around a 'trick or treated' it was super cute and lots of fun.

*sorry I forgot the good camera today at least I had my phone.

At one point Paulina, the hostess, took each kids picture. The little girl who was in front of us was dressed up like Madonna circa 1985. Her mom and her posed with there hips out all sexy like so Sam whispers in my ear "can we take our picture together?" I was like sure and we get up there and she wanted me to pose like the Madonna and her mom and I said "oh honey I am not very good at that" so she kicked me out of the picture!

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