Saturday, September 5, 2009


Jon had to go to Tucson for work yesterday so we made a little overnight getaway out of it. We stayed at the Embassy Suites. I just love those hotels. You get a "free" cocktail hour with food and any kind of cocktail you want plus a breakfast buffet....the buffet is not just a little continental breakfast it's a full on breakfast. Made to order eggs/omelets, pancakes, french toast, bacon, homefries, different kids of cereal, oatmeal....anything you have for breakfast its included in your room price. The main reason I like it though is the two rooms. We put the girls in one room and set up the dvd player so they watched "Tinkerbell" while Jon and I got to snuggle on the couch and watch "Max Payne" on HBO. The night went pretty good except that I forgot my ear plugs so I went into the living room and slept with Samantha and the not so comfortable pull out.
There was a toys r us next to the hotel so we wandered through and let the girls get a few dolls w accessories and some coloring supplies. Jon and I were laughing and wishing they were this content with the things at home. They spent a good 2 hours "playing"

We went to Colossal Cave for a few hours. The girls did great. Courtney was the only one who kept saying she was done. The tour was 45 minutes long, 1/2 mile and 363 steps...some of them were pretty steep. It was a little scary because we had to hold the girls hands pretty much the whole time because there were some nice holes.
Samantha always posing...

Sydney always striping!
Sam thought this statue guy was funny because he didnt have a shirt on!

They had a neat little game for the kids. They had to go around the park and find all these things and punch holes in the paper. Then when they were all done they got to pick out a shiny rock to take home.

Sam: the human sundial

Here are a few more pictures from the trip: Tucson photo Album

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