Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Samantha has been an absolute joy the past couple days. She over heard me telling my mom that I wanted to give my kids away...I was having a bad day and if I cant bitch about it to my mom then who am I suppose to bitch about it too...well it sent her over the edge. I had to hang up the phone and tell her I really didnt mean it but it really hurts my feelings when nobody listens to me. I do put a lot on her for only being 4 and I know it. I tell her daily that she has to set the example for Courtney and Sydney and they look up to her so much. But ever since she heard me say that she has been an angle. She listens, she does what she's been told, she eats her meals and everything. Tonight when I was tucking her into to bed I told her how proud of her that she was being such a good little girl and that my heart was singing because of it. She had the biggest smile and said she will always try and be good from now on. Well after I left about 2 minute later she starts yelling "Mom" and I am running as fast as I can to get to her room before she wakes up her sisters and I'm mad. I tell her that my heart stopped singing and then she started crying. Oh my, I guess that was the wrong thing to say but we have gone over and over the fact that she isnt suppose to yell when the twinkles are sleeping. After I calmed her down and found out what she wanted (the fan turned on) she said she was sorry and she'll try and remeber not to yell anymore so I told her my heart was singing again and she was happy...

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