Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Twins and Siblings playgroup

Today I hosted the twins and siblings play group. There were 5 moms. 10 twins. 5 siblings. Our backyard was meyhem but everybody seemed to have a grand ol' time. Lincoln and Jacob picked a bunch of cherry tomatoes. I had to keep an eye on Syd because all she wanted to do was crawl over to the tasty dirt! At one point she crawled over to the pea gravel and put her mouth down ready to take a bite of the ground!

everybody has their eyes on jacob on the rings

jacob on the rings!

all these babies and they are all girls!

up then down

good times!

I did get the twins down for early naps this afternoon (Sam has pretty much given them up unless we drive somewhere which I am thinking about doing in about 15 minutes) Sydney woke up after an hour and Samantha went in and woke Courtney up shortly after Syd woke up after I specifically told her not to go into my room because Cj was still sleeping in the port a crib in there. We put the port a crib in our room over the weekend for daytime naps. I was finding if they slept in the same room whoever woke up first inevitably woke the other up evne if the other was still tired. I have no clue on what to do with Samantha sometimes. I gave her a long time out and she cant watch tv for the rest of the day for waking Cj up. I find the only way she'll do what I say is to yell but I really hate doing that. Jon says I should just pop open a bottle of wine (ha ha)...just think what my life is going to be like when I have two going through this terrible two's thing. I think I will definetly buy some stock in a vineyard then! But now they are all outside playing so cute that it's hard to stay mad. It is amazing how much Sam loves to play with Syd and Cj now. She sure wishes they'd be able to walk though...

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