Wednesday, October 3, 2007

More park time

This afternoon I ran out to Pleasanton to pick up some more bottles from a fellow twin club member. I sure love that club, if you need anything you just post it on our yahoogroups and within a hour you probably have it...either really cheap or free. It's awesome! I was tired of washing bottles everyday or so I wanted a few more. Plus if you want to sell anything thats a great forum. I sold a highchair yesterday through it. I am also getting good at getting rid of all the baby stuff. Last weekend I sold a bunch of stuff at the twins club sale that they have two times a year. Bought a lot of stuff there too...crazy deals!! Today we had to get back around 2 because I sold another the high chairs (Sams old one) on Craigslist and the lady was coming after 2. She called at 2:30 and said she'd be another hour so I packed the girls up and we headed to the park since we didnt make it earlier...everyone fell asleep in the car on the way out to Pleasanton so we came back for a picnic in the backyard.I bought those little booster chairs at the twins sale and they are great (and they were cheap.) The fold up so they'll be great to take places and they are excellent back yard highchairs. That's why I am getting rid of the 2 extra high chairs we kept back there! I am getting tired of all this baby stuff around...too much clutter!
so cute

Sam was a good sport today and pretty much stayed in the little toddler section. She is way beyond it and really wanted to play in the other section but it is to hard for me to keep an eye on her and the twins. So when we were leaving I let her play there while I packed the little ones up but she didnt come when I called so the next time she gets strapped in first...maybe she'll listen next time...haha

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