Thursday, June 7, 2007


A couple weeks we woke up to Barley scratching his cheek. He had a little "skin tag" that he scratched so it was bloody. I looked into his ears and they smelt like an ear infection so off to the vet I went. Well the "skin tag" end up being a tumor- it was the size of a dime on the outside but a large egg on the inside. Plus he had 2 ruptured ear drums! I felt horrible. The last few months he has been acting rather tired and not wanting to do anything. When we walked in the door he wouldnt get up and sometimes not even acknowledge us. I just thought he's getting old and the poor guy is losing his hearing, he has had about 30 ear infections through out his life in his 11 1/2 years. After about three days of being on the antibiotics and ear drops he's back to the old Barley. I just feel so bad that I waited so long to take him. I know I have had a lot on my plate the past few months but that shouldnt have stopped me from taking care of my first baby. I am so happy that he's back to normal. Next time he isnt himself I'll take him sooner!

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