Monday, June 18, 2007

Nap time

I dont know what is up with Sam and her naps. She keeps fighting them. So I have given up and have beenjust putting her in her room and hopefully she'll go to sleep. Today I was giving her 1 hour by herself in her room. After 20 minutes I had to get her table out of there because she likes to stand on it and lift the shade to look at her books. when there was 10 minutes left of her hour I told her through the door that if she doesnt go to sleep she cant watch Dora tonight. She then say "I'll watch Diego" I said no the tv isnt going to be turned on if you dont go to sleep. So wala within 10 minutes she was asleep! The twins on the other hand are pretty darn good nappers today. I put them in there cribs about 15 minutes apart and they are sleeping like babies! I should go take a nap too...

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