Sunday, June 3, 2007


Well last night ended up being a pretty hard night for Sam. She went to bed and wanted her pacifer but like the post before the "bicey fairy" came and took them away. She was sad but went to bed...woke up at 11 crying for it so Jon brought her to bed with us. He took her back to her bed at some point becasue at 2ish she called for me and I went in and snuggled her for a bit...sure wish we'd get her a bigger bed hard to snuggled in a toddler bed! she fell back to sleep and was up crying again for it at 6. So Jon brought her into the living room to watch Dora. Sydney woke up so I got her and her a bottle but w/ in 5 minutes Cj was awake so Jon got her and came back to bed w her and her bottle. Once Syd was done I got up and now Sam and I are going to go get donuts!

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