Thursday, June 7, 2007

no sleep

Last night Cj woke up at 3 and would not go back to sleep. After an hour of him and me going in every ten minutes to put her paci back in her mouth he juat brought her to bed with us. At 4:10 I got her 4 oz of formula ( plus killed 7 slugs that were on the kitchen floor---yuck! ) that didnt put her to sleep. Jon snuggled her and she still wouldnt go to sleep so he laid her right in between us and she just cood and kicked. At 5:30 he got fed up and went to the couch but at 6 Sam woke up so no more sleep for him. I laid there playing with Cj until 7 then Sam came in with us. I snuck into the twins room at 7:15 to get a new diaper for Cj and looked at Syd lo and behold she was lying there with a big smile on her face... so we were all up pretty dang early for the Howe household today. I am hoping that the girls will take good naps!

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